There are many volunteer and donation opportunities.
We appreciate your kindness and generosity.
Donate online below.
You can also send donations by mail to the following address:
91 June Street
Worcester, MA 01602
Attn: Program Director
For more information on supporting the work of IHN with your time, talent, or treasure, please contact us directly at: info@ihnworcester.org or call (508) 755-2212.
You can help us pay for: home utility bills, electric, natural gas, telephone, internet, cable, etc.
We have a wish list consisting of: cleaning supplies, disinfectant spray, laundry detergent, paper goods, tissues, diapers & hygiene products. Find our Amazon Wishlist here.
Gift cards are also welcome – local Worcester grocery stores and gasoline, Home Depot, Lowes, CVS, Walmart, Target, etc.